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Duality provides a low-cost solution for data storage security, verification and validation using a hybrid/private network. Dynamic (DYN) is an open-source digital token with an elastic supply capable of scaling with ever-expanding market demand. DYN can help organizations reduce resource overhead and data maintenance costs without the need for third-party intervention.
The Duality platform currently provides registered users with an online wallet function (supporting Dynamic, Sequence and Bitcoin) and real-time market prices displayed in a chart format. It will be updated later to enable you to export your transaction history to CSV/PDF, host Atomic Swap Dynamic and Sequence in Dynodes, and access your account through a secure API.
•Understanding the natural matching and secure data management of the blockchain network, the Duality team passed the Dynamic(DYN) Building applications on top of blockchain technology and our innovative new protocol, the Blockchain Directory Access Protocol (BDAP), provides a unique solution to these long-standing challenges.
•With a focus on healthcare, education, legal and business services, Duality solves security and privacy for businesses question.
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