- Detailed Description
LUCKS-LUCKS Detailed Description
LUCKS (Lucky) is a decentralized deflationary currency based on the Huobi ecological chain, with a total of 30,000 pieces. The liquidity mining pool is locked in the decentralized exchange MDEX, and 1% of each transfer transaction will be destroyed. 2% is allocated to all holders, completely autonomous by the community. LUCKS means lucky in Chinese, which means that everyone who owns LUCKS is lucky. This meaning has infected our group of like-minded volunteers, and a group of volunteers with the same interests spontaneously preached. These volunteers will create LUCKS (lucky) To become a caring community with a strong consensus, great love is our direction, and charity is our vision. Together, we will grow LUCKS and spread it to every corner of the world. The Genesis community donated 1,000 LUCKS (lucky ones) to support poor students and help vulnerable groups. Everyone should hold her and pass her on. The goal of LUCKS is to create N chain love circles, so that every corner of the universe can have luck because of chain love circles.