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Zoom is a decentralized protocol. The Zoom protocol will provide everyone with a contract-based smart exchange/auction platform to exchange tokens, which includes fixed and floating exchanges, private OTC exchanges, and more.
Features of the Zoom protocol:
1. Direct swap pool --- users can create a pool to swap alt coins with eth at a set ratio, time limit (possible to end pool before end with fee).
2. Aqua Pool --- User creates a pool with a certain amount of X tokens to sell, sets a time limit. People can participate by sending eth, and when the pool closes, the final price will be calculated based on the amount of eth received. The smart contract is then responsible for the distribution. (Can be used as a public sales tool)
3. Staking Pool---Only those who bet on ZOM for voting can participate, exclusive offer for participants.
4. Private swimming pool --- available for OTC or allocation allocation. Users enter whitelist addresses to participate in the pool, and no information is displayed to the public.
5. NFT Flea Market --- Soon, people will be able to list their NFT tokens and exchange them.
6. Governance/oversight system --- people can stake ZOM tokens on the platform and they will get the same number of "votes".