Complete PaaS integration, IDE support, import and export, agricultural appliances, global operations, scope queries.
Complete HQ consensus, in-place variability, Karma, stake.
Complete column store, S/Kademlia improvements, Honest Geppetto attack tolerance, 3rd party arbitration against spoofer attacks, reverse http tunneling, tunnel eclipse attack tolerance, multi-party encryption, complex binary blob storage support
Introducing pricing, unparalleled decentralization, proof of storage, geofencing at temperature levels, normal data types.
Complete vertical partitioning, two-dimensional partitioning, variable cost data expiration, Sybil attack tolerance, deletion reversibility, redundancy proof through coding erasure
Complete smart caching, multi-swarm, Ethereum Swarm registry, StatsD, JS and C++ clients, C++ common runtime, Bluzelle studio, chaos module.
Complete proof-of-storage mechanism, Merkel challenge and reward mechanism, proof-of-stake mechanism for producers, variable CRUD pricing requests, edge cache data requests, parallelism requests and hotspot support, Spartacus attack tolerance .
Complete PBFT consensus, asymmetric key pair authentication, namespace metadata, peer list server, Bluzelle studio, pub/sub.
Complete NoSQL documents, NoSQL document collections, NoSQL document collection indexes, NoSQL document collection partitions, and global CRUD operations
Complete RAFT consensus, single group, CRUD, JS client, persist client, NEO client, web socket.
Complete PaaS integration, IDE plugins and integrations, blockchain smart contracts, desktop, browser and mobile apps for interactive access, import/export from legacy databases, node scoring and health
Complete NoSQL key-value pairs, Bluzelle data collection agent, leaf group, consensus mechanism, flat partition, consistent hash algorithm, CRUDAPI, Bluzelle credential coding technology, ERC-20 credential
Complete a single-swarm NoSQL key-value pair RAFT consensus storage facility, powered by a minimum stake of BLZ ERC-20 tokens on the Ethereum blockchain.
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