Launched AI-based product recommendation positioning, automatic labeling solutions, throughput > 10,000 pieces/day; integrated Tael with international shopping malls/payment providers; expanded to 500 cities, using Tael for product layout marketing.
Add product recommendations at Techrock store, add Tael redemption at 3rd party retailers; add health and lifestyle products at Techrock store to expand portfolio to 500 SKUs; e-commerce retailers selling on Techrock using Tael, Tael is interchangeable with other retail loyalty points.
Fine-tune blockchain to facilitate variable data access for B2B partners; add social features to Techrock app; add local store in consumer scan app[; create custom enterprise blockchain explorer (non-public); Sales network and business development; our secure channel is certified by the Chinese consumer protection agency; expansion to 250 cities; implementation of the Tael payment system outside the Techrock market[; establishment of multiple partnerships with the public, including our largest to date Rakuten, Nature's Care, Nestlé; BinanceAMA subgroups (both English and Chinese); Masternode expansion; community engagement program and product giveaways; other improvements to the Adoption Page;
Expanded masternode; leveraged Tael for Techrock recommendations; released first version of Tael adoption statistics page, new version of warehouse coding application, automated logistics process; launched PoS (point of sale) terminal in Beijing[; integrated fiat-to-Tael payment gateway and made its Available to corporate customers; integration of other warehouses for further expansion; cooperation with major Japanese product distributors.
Open sales in Southeast Asia, Latin America, Europe and other regions; release Walimai drug labels; sell Walimai products in at least 100 cities and 1,000 stores.
Integrate WaBi into other loyalty/payment solutions; expand Walimai’s total portfolio of protected products to over 200 SKUs (including baby products, cosmetics and alcohol); produce digital touch stands; launch P2P in multiple provinces ( person-to-person) sales platform.
Start selling alcohol products protected by Walimai tags; launch Walimai master node, mobile APPs v3; finalize Walimai tag v4 (new feature: proof of consumption); cooperate with Internet celebrities with 1 million fans in China; expand Walmai baby products store to Another 3 provinces; digital touch racks were put into production.
Discussions with Fortune 500 companies in the food, alcohol, and pharmaceutical industries; expansion of our product portfolio to over 50 SKUs and expansion into new product categories; collaboration with industry-related Chinese influencers with a large online following ( About 50,000 followers); design digital touch stand; redesign and update website and, add Chinese version.
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