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AurusGOLD (AWG) is a semi-decentralized digital currency backed by gold, which is independently minted by authoritative suppliers and traders in the traditional gold market.
Each AWG token is backed by 1 gram of 99.99% LBMA approved gold and stored in professional, fully insured and audited vaults around the world. The platform employs smart contracts to audit the supply of gold and uses ERC-721 to track gold bars so that each AWG token can be traced back to the corresponding gold bar. AWG tokens represent 100% ownership and can be redeemed for physical gold at any time.
Aurus Technologies, the company behind AWG, provides a tokenization solution for the traditional gold market. Aurus' blockchain protocol interacts with a network of gold suppliers and vaults that work in tandem to automatically tokenize physical gold bars as AurusGOLD.