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The Avalanche (AVAX) project formerly known as Ava/AVA is an open-source platform for enabling highly decentralized applications, new financial primitives and new interoperable blockchains. Using a breakthrough consensus protocol framework, a smart contract platform that can confirm transactions within one second, supports the entire content of the Ethereum development kit, and makes it possible for millions of complete block producers.
Avalanche was co-founded by Emin Gün Sirer, professor at Cornell University and co-founder of IC3, Kevin Sekniqi, a computer scientist, and Ted Yin, first author of the Facebook Libra protocol HotStuff consensus. The AVA blockchain platform developed by Avalanche is based on the revolutionary consensus algorithm - a digital payment and computing platform built by Avalanche. This consensus enables distributed ledgers to achieve high decentralization, high concurrent processing and fast confirmation of transactions, while achieving historical record deletion and on-chain governance. The core of the AVA blockchain platform is a set of unified and interoperable infrastructure, enabling anyone to build a blockchain network or issue assets on the blockchain according to their own needs in the AVA ecosystem.