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BCDiploma aims to be a reference point for diploma certificates. BCDT (Blockchain Certified Data Token) token is designed to serve the BCDiploma platform, which is a brand new data authentication platform based on blockchain. BCDT is a means of obtaining platform services.
BCDiploma is a company from France. It has a team of Chinese and French professionals who cooperate and innovate. It uses the blockchain for degree certification market applications in a low-cost and easy-to-operate mode. BCDiploma's goal is to establish a standard for tomorrow's chain registries: the cost-effective and easy-to-implement ethereumand open source framework.
Data Authentication on Blockchain
Colles and universities can save significant amounts of money and time by streamlining the workflow required to issue diplomas to graduates. By eliminating the need for an entire department of staff to be dedicated to diploma issuance, BCDiploma allows educational institutions to better allocate hours and resources to operate at the same capacity and lower cost budgets.
Make the service different
Using BCDiploma's turnkey solution is a transparent process that does not require expertise in blockchain technology, nor does it require an Ethereum address. BCDiploma offers certifications for $1.50 with no subscriptions and no recurring fees.
BCDiploma will store the diploma/certificate data directly to the Ethereum blockchain, and use DApps to authenticate the identity of the party to ensure that BCDiploma's users' data is safe and has permanent access.
Related links:
http://world.people.com.cn/n1/2018/1203/c1002-30439893-2.html p>
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