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Stacks is a new Internet of decentralized applications, equipped with a complete set of open source development tools to build and bootstrap decentralized application and protocol ecosystems. Users own their own data, and the browser is everything they need to start. Stacks is the "Google" of the blockchain, and the architecture is divided into three layers: the bottom layer of the blockchain - the peer-to-peer network - the data layer. The business model of Stacks is very clear, the goal is to become a blockchain browser, on this browser, users can create basic Todo applications and build single-page JavaScript applications on their own.
Stacks (formerly known as Blockstack) is trying to power a new kind of decentralized internet that gives users more control over their data and makes it harder to censor content.
It has properties such as "built-in privacy" where data in the Stacks app (eg photos, messages, health records) is encrypted by default. Apps will not be able to see, access or track your activity. The user, not the app, owns 100% of all data. Additionally, users are free to move their data as well as transact and transfer your assets - without any app or company's permission.
Stacks' smart contracts, based on its programming language Clarity, enable the creation, ownership and trading of new types of digital assets such as tokens and digital collectibles. By using the Stacks app, creators can also share the value they create.
Stacks uses a hybrid consensus mechanism, Stacks is called Proof of Transmission (PoX).