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On Chainflix's patented mining embedded video player, users can mine Chainflix currency pairs just by watching the video. Users can participate in the platform's profit sharing without any special plugins or hardware.
The key innovation of the Chainflix platform is the AI-based distributed storage system. Instead of relying on a centralized CDN (Content Delivery Network), Chainflix allows any individual to contribute their storage to a distributed storage pool. The AI controller will automatically distribute the files to different storages of the storage pool according to the file size and video traffic.
From the user's point of view, the video is transmitted independently in real time from a single storage, not a centralized CDN. Storage providers are able to earn mining rewards when their storage is selected for live streaming. By virtually allowing any participant to contribute their spare storage space, Chainflix can significantly reduce operating costs while also rewarding users for their contributions to the Chainflix ecosystem. Chainflix has 1750 distributed storage spaces from more than 10 different countries and users from 112 countries. Chainflix has been in development for 4.5 years and is running a beta version. Chainflix will add a live broadcast function, and video business users can also use CFXT currency pairs to donate to other users, purchase items, and participate in decentralized governance.