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Coin98 is a cross-chain liquidity protocol with a full set of products, including Coin98 Wallet, Coin98 Exchange and Coin98 Bridge. Coin98 Wallet is a non-custodial multi-chain encrypted wallet and gateway built as a future multi-chain infrastructure.
The protocol provides users with a one-stop platform to access the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem, such as decentralized exchanges, lending protocols, on-chain governance (via Snapshot), and blockchain-based games . Users can also perform cross-chain migration through the mobile APP, supporting 22 networks such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Solana, and Avalanche.
The C98 token is the native utility token of the platform. Current and planned use cases for the C98 token include:
Ecosystem development: C98 revenue from transaction fees will be sent to a treasury fund and partially set aside for future product development and ecosystem growth.
Staking: Another portion of the treasury fund will be allocated to C98 holders who can stake their tokens for X98. The exact distribution depends on protocol governance and is subject to change.
Governance: Users can obtain voting rights by staking C98 in exchange for X98, and participate in the governance process to change product parameters.
Unique Membership Rights: Users will receive different levels of benefits on the platform, depending on the X98 they hold. Some of the benefits include participation in the Coin98 Launchpad and retroactive incentives from strategic partners.
Coin98's platform consists of the following main components:
Coin98 Wallet: Multi-chain wallet allows users to store, transfer and manage crypto assets and connect to numerous dApps on multiple blockchains. It supports 22 blockchains including Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Solana, Polygon, Avalanche and Terra on mobile (iOS and android) and Chrome extension.
Coin98 Exchange: A multi-chain liquidity aggregator that helps users exchange, mortgage, lend, borrow, and earn cryptocurrencies. It offers smart order routing for best prices and low slippage.
Space Gate: A cross-chain bridge that can exchange and transfer value across multiple networks. Token exchange between the following networks is supported:
ERC-20<->AVAX C- Chain <-> AVAX X-Chain
The project has raised $12.5MM through two rounds of private placements, where 20.00% of the total supply of C98 tokens was sold at $0.025/C98 and $0.075/C98.