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EchoLink - EKO is an education, skills, and career experience information platform based on blockchain technology. Based on the non-tamperable and time stamp function of blockchain technology, EchoLink - EKO provides employers with a verifiable source of education, skills, and professional experience information, thus saving a lot of manpower for background checks in the recruitment process and financial resources.
EchoLink - EKO technology system can also be widely used in document authentication in notarization, finance, banking and other industries, and has broad application prospects.
EkoLink is a blockchain-based system that provides verified information on education, skills and work experience. Leveraging the immutability and time-stamping capabilities of blockchain technology, EkoLink provides users with trusted information about a job seeker's education, skills and work experience. EkoLink is based on the EKO blockchain platform.
The EKO blockchain platform is a public blockchain service based on the Professional Shareholding Consensus Protocol (PoPS). PoPS is designed for enterprise-level blockchain applications. The EKO blockchain platform is fully compatible with EVM-based Solidity smart contracts and offers some innovative features such as confidential contracts. The EKO blockchain platform provides businesses and developers with a fast and efficient way to develop and deploy blockchain applications.
Project Features
EKO is a blockchain-based system that provides verified information on education, skills and work experience. Leveraging the immutability and time-stamping capabilities of blockchain technology, EKO provides users with trusted information about a job seeker's education, skills and work experience.
EKO saves recruiters time and financial resources. The EKO system can also be used in other industries such as banking, finance, general notary services. EKO is building a highly trusted economy through the innovation of blockchain technology.
Time Stamping
Degrees, skill levels and work experience are stored in EchoLink with a time stamp. Information may be revised as circumstances change. Each version is also time-stamped, establishing a chain of evidence.
Information is entered directly into EchoLink by educational, training and other institutions, thereby ensuring that such information cannot be tampered with by third parties. Data can be modified and updated
EchoLink provides a world-wide standardized system for storing and verifying education, skills and work experience through blockchain technology. EchoLink supports various blockchain technologies and storage layers.
The information contained in EchoLink is built on blockchain technology and injected directly by the authority. This ensures the authenticity of this information.
Application scenario
EKO Speedy
Fast blockchain transaction processing through second-layer acceleration technology. Bring blockchain applications to enterprise speed.
EKO Mobile and IoT Services
Blockchain integration with mobile and IoT devices. Mobile devices are the world's dominant computing platform. However, mobile devices cannot actually access current blockchain applications. EKO Mobile aims to bridge the gap between mobile devices and blockchain by allowing developers to efficiently deploy data-driven blockchain applications tailored for mobile devices.
EKO Data Oracle Service
Bridge blockchain and Internet data sources. EKO Oracle provides trusted and trustless data oracle services. EKO Oracle services enable the development of innovative distributed blockchain applications for real-world situations.
EKO Confidential
Enables blockchain data privacy and confidential smart contract transactions through various specialized and general-purpose zero-knowledge proof systems.
Technical Overview
EKO Speedy
Layer 2 blockchain transaction acceleration.
EKO Oracle
Data Integration for rapid development and deployment of data-driven blockchain applications.
EKO Mobile
Blockchain integration with mobile phones and IoT devices.
EKO Confidential
A zero-knowledge proof system for confidential smart contracts and blockchain data privacy.
EchoLink - EKO is an education, skills, and career experience information platform based on blockchain technology. Based on the non-tamperable and time stamp function of blockchain technology, EchoLink - EKO provides employers with a verifiable source of education, skills, and professional experience information, thus saving a lot of manpower for background checks in the recruitment process and financial resources. EchoLink - EKO technology system can also be widely used in document authentication in notarization, finance, banking and other industries, and has broad application prospects. EchoLink - EKO uses blockchain technology innovation to create a high-trust economy.
EchoLink - EKO is a blockchain network connecting students, education and training institutions and industry players. EchoLink - EKO is a blockchain-based system that provides individuals with verified education, skills and career information. EchoLink - The EKO system stores professional career-related information in a dedicated public repository. All information provided by trusted information agencies. For students, EchoLink - EKO stores student grades, degrees and certificates in a protected and verifiable blockchain system. It provides potential employers and higher education institutions with student records in a trusted manner. For academic and training institutions, EchoLink - EKO eases the resources required to process degree and certificate verification. To enable academic institutions to provide and accept reliable academic records. For businesses, EchoLink - EKO provides an immutable and trusted source of candidate information. Academic records, skill certificates are associated with job seekers in a trusted manner, all provided directly by academic institutions and training institutions and cannot be changed.
Related links:
https://info.binance.com/cn/currencies /echolink