Cryptocurrencies: 22806
Exchanges: 117
Market Cap: $$3.46T
24h Vol: $148.20B
Dominance: BTC: 56.8% ETH: 11.7%
ETH Gas: 29 Gwei
All languages
JustLiuidity is a liquidity protocol that has been integrated into Uniswap Exchange, rewarding liquidity providers ETH and rewarding JUL holders with a unique financial and liquidity engine. JUL has an elastic supply structure. When more liquidity is added It increases when liquidity is added and decreases when liquidity is removed from the liquidity protocol. In this structure, you simply buy JUL on Uniswap and it will gradually increase the price of JUL to our "target price". JustLiquidity users and JUL token holders can enjoy a very stable and predictable ROI (Return on Investment) in this great ecosystem.