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OSA (Optimal Shelf Availability Token) is an ecosystem, a digital assistant supported by artificial intelligence, which will provide consumers with purchasing suggestions based on reliable product information and ratings, thus ensuring that they only buy genuine consumer goods and affordable products. Daily necessities for safe consumption. The OSA utility token serves a triple purpose: network fuel, means of payment, platform rewards. Consumers will be able to use OSA tokens in various ways only within the OSA platform: paying for B2C services, obtaining exclusive promotional offers, and purchasing daily necessities.
OSA DC is a decentralized, AI-driven blockchain platform that collects and analyzes data from retailers, manufacturers, consumers and open data sources in real time.
OSA DC Ecosystem
•The platform provides consumers with transparent products Information and online assistant services, while OSA DC's artificial intelligence-driven ecosystem will also provide manufacturers and retailers with opportunities to effectively collaborate and optimize business strategies.
•By using OSA DC, consumers will provide rich data, and at the same time, these Contributions are rewarded.
•Smart contracts will keep data providers honest and consumers' interests protected because a unique set of KPIs, product ratings and rewards are all stored on the blockchain for accuracy and reference. OSA DC also serves as a neutral intermediary that will monitor the success of these performance indicators.
• OSA DC's AI prescriptions allow retailers and manufacturers to get direct feedback from consumers, who This AI can be leveraged to make conscious, informed purchasing decisions.