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Public Health is based on blockchain as the underlying technology and chain, combined with big data, artificial intelligence, supply chain, Internet of Things and other technical applications, through digital identity, medical payment, health management, value medical care, clinical medical care, charity, Exploration and research in insurance and other fields help enterprises, hospitals and customers to coordinate relationships, establish a trust mechanism, and provide technical support such as supervision and guidance, product research and development. Solve medical service problems, accelerate the sustainable and healthy development of medical ecology, help the circulation and security of medical data, enhance the value of enterprises and scientific research, and improve industry efficiency.
PHC aims to make full use of the platform advantages, resource advantages, technical advantages and experience advantages of professional manufacturing and blockchain technology, and promote the application of blockchain technology in pharmaceutical traceability, pharmaceutical logistics, consumer safety medical care, medical insurance fee control, and supply chain. The development and application of platforms and other fields.