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Tycoon Global real estate investment trading platform is a decentralized real estate investment, transaction and management platform based on Ethereum. Directly link global investors and real estate assets through a decentralized blockchain platform, take Australia's new residential and commercial real estate management as an entry point, and build a new real estate investment, construction, transaction, and investment based on transparency, openness, and trust on a global scale. Rent, maintain and benefit from ecology.
Tycoon Coin (TCT) is the official token of the platform. Tycoon Token TCT can currently be continuously used for cross-border purchase of real estate, and the split of real estate development income rights will be opened soon. Every year, Tycoon Global will also repurchase Tycoon Coin (TCT) according to a certain percentage of profits, so that it has a different frequency of use and room for value preservation and appreciation.