Stacks is a new Internet of decentralized applications, equipped with a complete set of open source development tools to build and bootstrap decentralized application and protocol ecosystems. Users own their own data, and the browser is everything they need to start. Stacks is th...
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Issue Date2019-10-25
Initial Price0.3012
Max Supply1,818,000,000 STX
Total Supply1,818,000,000 STX
Circulating Supply1,445,567,609 STX
Ecosystem grants for Blockstack infrastructure and integrations. App Mining 2.0, to encourage app developers. A Request to Launch (RFS) for the Blockstack ecosystem. AppChain for scaling apps and new crypto assets.
After successfully exiting all stacks, the four phases of the Stacks 2.0 mainnet testnet will be launched. The clear smart contract language is available on the Stacks 2.0 mainnet. Sign in to the SDK for easy registration. A collection of user data shared between applications. Android Stacks 2.0 wallet with Ledger integration. Clear language tools and developer resources. Community-driven App Mining 2.0 proposals and experimental grants.
Increased decentralization of the blockchain ecosystem of independent entities. Stack 2.0 testnet released and completed the initial testnet phase. Community driven independent stack foundation. Wallet SDK for integration with wallets, exchanges and custody. New user authenticator with simplified UX. Whitepaper PoX mining and earning Bitcoin by participating in consensus. Final hard fork of the Stacks 1.0 chain, distributing STX to 300,000 new owners. Initial network growth and expanded username registration (Milestone 2). Increased App Mining 1.0 STX payout. Proposal for App Mining 2.0. SIP-007 Accept PoX mining and earn Bitcoin.
The number of App Mining 1.0 grew from 27 to 350 apps. International (non-US) exchange listings STX and Hashkey Pro on Binance. Host the 4th Annual Blockstack Summit 2019, the annual flagship event. Partner with Lambda School to teach Blockstack to student developers. Raised ~$23M for the first SEC compliant token offering in a historic US and Asian strategic funding round. Updated Blockstack white paper 2.0 and translated into Korean, Chinese, Japanese and Spanish. Released a prototype virtual machine (VM) for the Clarity smart contract language. Started to develop Stacks 2.0, and developed a Stacks Improvement Proposal (SIP). Released by Carrot which provides database interface and indexing on top of Gaia.
Reached Milestone 1 Successful launch of the Stacks 1.0 blockchain. Launch an App Mining pilot to program the initial app on Independent New Internet Lab Entity established in Hong Kong. Announcing the decentralized holding of the World Tour, announcing 31 global gatherings. Released Stacks 1.0 blockchain testnet and Stacks 1.0 wallet. Released the developer Alpha of the Blockstack iOS and Android SDKs. Keeping the Berlin blocks, Edward Snowden is the keynote speaker. Release of Gaia decentralized storage to support multiplayer games.
Raised $47.5 million in token offerings from 800 accredited investors and institutions. Released a public alpha version of Blockstack Browser. The Blockstack Summit was held in Mountain View. Launched Signature Fund for decentralized applications. Converted to a Public Beneficiary Corporation (PBC) for an open decentralized internet. Released alpha developer platform, including decentralized login for applications. Muneeb completed his PhD thesis on Blockstack at Princeton University. Published white paper. R&D completed and raised a $4 million Series A round led by Union Square Ventures.
Preliminary design of the issued block stack, research on scalable blockchain and long-term storage. First Big Data Summit at NYU. Peer-reviewed the following publication Blockchain Virtualization Technologies DCCL'16. Block stack architecture presented at USENIX 2016 Annual Technical Conference. Went through Y Combinator in summer 2014 and got a seed round. Launched a decentralized identity system, one of the earliest non-financial blockchain uses. Muneeb Ali and Ryan Shea met at Princeton and started the project.
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Muneeb Ali
Muneeb Ali
Co-founder of Blockstack.
Ryan Shea
Ryan Shea
Co-founder of Blockstack.
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